Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, February 24, 2024

My Children Must Know You Are Living in the End Days Where All Wickedness Is Terrorizing My Beloved and Faithful Ones

Message from Our Savior, Jesus Christ to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on February 23, 2024


Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are You calling me?

Jesus: Yes My dear one, I your Divine Savior Jesus am calling you.

Anna Marie: Sweet Jesus, may I ask You please? Will You bow down and adore Your Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes My dear one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my Divine Master, for Your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear little one, I know you are concerned over much, but you can surrender it all into My Loving Hands and I will help you manage it all. Surrendering your daily life into My Divine Will means you can share your burdens with Me and I will guide you through each one. You do not need to manage each problem, task or issue in your life without Me. So surrender your human will into My Holy Will where I know the best and holy path you should take for your salvation, peace of mind and for your family members too.

Jesus: Be in peace, I am a Savior, that means I will save you from the destructive and terrible problems in your life, in your community and world. I love you all. Please do not give up on yourself and certainly do not give up on Me, your Divine Lord.

Jesus: You My children must know you are living in the END DAYS where all wickedness is terrorizing My beloved and faithful ones. You must remain strong and aware that the evil one knows his time is short so he is attacking My chosen children harder than ever. You can not surrender or give evil an inch because he will creep into your life further and further to destroy your peace of mind and oppress or possess people.

Jesus: BE STRONG! You can do this through daily prayer, daily Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). Try to visit Me in this Sacrament (Confession) at least once a month and you will notice a deeper resistance to evil through My gifts of Perseverance and Knowledge.

Jesus: Be in peace, My beloved ones. I am with you always until I greet you once you have come home to Me or until My holy return. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Mercy.

Source: ➥